Tunica Conjunctiva Palpebrarum (Noun)
The part of the conjunctiva lining the posterior surface of the eyelids; continuous with the bulbar conjunctiva.
Nouns denoting body parts.
- The palpebral conjunctiva was inflamed and swollen in the patient with blepharitis.
- A thin layer of mucus covers the surface of the tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum to help lubricate the eyelids.
- Disorders of the conjunctiva, including the tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum, can cause significant discomfort and vision problems.
- During the eye exam, the doctor gently everted the eyelid to examine the tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum for any signs of disease.
- Inflammation of the tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum can cause the eyelids to feel gritty or sandy, leading to excessive tearing.