Tools: Learn New Words | Secure Password Generator | Startup Tools | PDF Generator

Startup Tools for fun and profit

What do you do?

It is a common question asked whenever you mention that you work in a startup, but you may not be ready just yet to talk about your grand vision. Here's some ideas you can use to get them off your back till you are ready to divulge more.

  • We facilitate turn-key deliverables and engage visionary networks.
  • We mesh integrated e-markets and deliver world-class technologies.
  • We envisioneer sexy convergence and brand virtual e-commerce.

Note: Refresh the page for more ideas.

Secure Password Phrases

Password is a very important aspect of computer security. A poorly chosen password may result in unauthorized access and/or exploitation of your resources. The passwords are randomly generated on the fly and are not cached or saved anywhere on the server. The passwords generated are compliant with the new NIST SP800-63.3 standards.