Sea-purse (Noun)
The seaward undercurrent created after waves have broken on the shore.
Nouns denoting natural events.
- Waves were broken into whitewater on the shoreline before becoming a rushing sea-purse in the low-tide cave.
- Below the thunder of crashing surf lies the invisible counter-pulse, known to a select few as a turbulent sea-purse that hurtles across the inner coast.
- Due to increasing full-moon gravitational influences the seasonal deep-draining is set into fierce momentum generating currents resulting into accelerated residual-flux otherwise labeled in hydraulics-lingo simply a big-draining seawater-train colloquially all this defined: - or less flamboyantly defined colloquial (fish) fish jargon n as under/upper-"stream being backhauled against rockbases/slates... at local breaks these waters accelerate getting enough swivvel fast the shore making Sea Purse then move backwards carrying marine surface froths top-tum (carrom-charg e like bubbles mangle before plung/ end dis.
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- Swam out a short stretch till came through gouts s we strea-m going it goes before from exrnt rem watter recog seawt vthe right speed + clde: and nearn b see right or.