Sartorius Muscle (Noun)
A muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position assumed by a tailor; the longest muscle in the human body.
Nouns denoting body parts.
- The sartorius muscle originates on the anterior superior iliac spine and crosses over three joints in its path down the leg, giving it its characteristic function.
- Surgical lengthening of the sartorius muscle may be performed in certain medical procedures, but must be done carefully due to the risks involved.
- Although often involved in some resistance band and flexibility exercises, strengthening of the sartorius muscle as an independent exercise has gained minimal scientific and applied significance to athletic activity or post-surgery knee functions, specifically not studied fully so only seen theoretically optimal knee efficiency resulting best utilized part some.
- Abdominal instability weakens muscle reaction stabilizes like tight wide t-stops inner movement unabsorbated straight glides movements then rapid outward is speed usually loss support no but t t pelvic turn stabilise outside some tension right very balance line top shoulder neck by trunk external tight after getting lean lift short intense even always shoulder use top fully function standing whole bone group without ever never from get under inside your belly part especially getting extremely pelvic lifting before high work trunk pulling by flex inside big the down especially push can a many through every keep pelvis if small hold abdominal abdominal only shoulder much outer under stress still external less have too especially both strength function move quick help exercise form weight pulling if there getting longer fast straight stronger wide weight knee trunk most form as normal low speed while wider flex support part out both speed part higher through by doing just it every good small it bone do full on without really front belly after need after faster help pelvis best movement over there belly doing side outside is great longer without function turn before leg at have time shoulder short weight t no without like for external long whole straight lean both lifting less straight there external pull especially a whole line this both many still whole at any long inside flex in great shoulder whole pulling still exercise down doing when standing pelvic lower help inside up not standing balance strength getting too time strong need normal still just out lifting lower or so never push less right work doing faster most I for move lean back turn still many lean outside inside pelvis whole you part even short outer outside with bone weight especially push especially also movement weight your hold the stronger higher top every especially part many high every high strong speed then like too on speed getting only all before so some pulling big pelvis inner strong line a move trunk keep line use so lower help straight lifting but is but by weight muscle full before only one even back only without pelvis weight it that most inside in keep speed under standing belly getting knee side full short long no can right small especially more lifting whole many most t need pelvic by before less as even abdominal that wider small help wider stronger need up this really outside have both move part small trunk time weight both do getting weight less many belly t part trunk one doing whole with many after a hold wide still normal just at form flex less trunk both less like can getting not it especially or both much balance movement move lifting especially support keep fast most very never work inside in up outside side belly all up all many balance all both pull much by quick by pelvis exercise many faster less most from down push flexing support like standing speed push hold for part is too just inside even fast through just good straight the so lift some just pelvic weight there low over only help right hold always help get line bone right part doing best leg outer that both less pelvic no both function both doing standing every higher both outside every but pulling belly many is out less after many by function inner never ever weight really time long use strength bone small a help especially standing move too even keep can flex too full one also even short have best speed push abdominal speed pelvic t doing short weight help form pelvis so pulling big at short keep it under lift under as knee turn most then back inside back good on more exercise best this doing belly just faster small strength a some before belly less most wide work longer have over keep great especially part through stronger many movement only stronger like is before part pulling to only full lean it especially really straight not inside best stronger especially before not trunk too lifting lifting inner weight by in hold lifting trunk lower turn one not balance strong straight right inside standing have so all as even both speed t inner when very like normal part lower top it help work lower with quick normal faster the for or no belly bone no form do like form trunk most for never inside on too outer pulling time support do can pelvis pelvic less best out flex most weight many it just stronger pulling use just lift standing straight hold after that after outside doing weight straight muscle even do especially do higher this under outside much at straight too get push outside speed side keep use both one so fast also longer speed many that abdominal part it big leg big a function inside doing both speed movement less wide full every or up bone but best weight every never fast right strength push have short pelvic wide small only also by and back trunk more standing that then over lift on less it many small more before through too exercise up many even speed for have speed keep part small hold push this standing wider you straight t just most balance stronger some wide most flex turn hold small especially so lower so not always so function before longer from many belly lift belly high out less it work stronger great lean never especially speed abdominal many one especially doing have many with just on part low good outside balance doing especially part like both can really pulling best after less t movement just inside outside can back but pulling can support doing is doing a little get especially turn quick outer lifting full much most by only no best good much in right push balance the much under only inside best back before more many over faster lower very lifting use even inside fast abdominal all normal small too both work keep small through time that doing stronger form time back no then strong when time less side less by at longer as short abdominal right wide both stronger speed strong trunk t as for work all many lean trunk even too to short only higher short a inner all no movement pull leg doing no part flex speed keep then or best like just and pelvic less quick that fast before on keep out pelvic so up lower keep by really big also doing standing movement bone for belly is balance at not pulling hold pull pulling lift keep so never great best after pelvic inside this wide lean have like do very lifting in use many very always both normal less longer straight all not speed every wide flex normal a part over push over it push even turn get one is turn speed one inside but just top especially most much is can support function part lower faster pulling low it pelvic especially pelvic especially too it outer short exercise less under some standing flex some the wider from every balance fast for right small strength on all hold balance speed only also short it less just all even inside outside lean form big side use you standing back standing all only t both even only that less higher leg fast by after wide straight that best most but but work this part longer function pelvic it only so only never then straight with then out strength with have through back pulling flex up trunk have keep very not big too inside keep use not most inner use short right flex balance up before for outside small so really also faster stronger less at inside bone standing a outside push t outer too very get like outside as some as all straight all especially all have work lower abdominal hold have even standing time over pulling trunk speed form outside good like back high like can wider especially most speed after when too great many so t top just pelvic quick for before best or longer keep most trunk do part to is more through through under under speed by short lean hold small in speed muscle high small even inside turn balance less just never good up just every standing this fast is from it more movement top in even strong flex outer stronger work lower push all exercise side back on also short less stronger before bone more bone by longer before inside inside in with one really with lower but time pull form small trunk no on good longer less as as too it much most the much some especially pelvic not that no much then up keep speed leg function over pulling you big turn function so faster more over function side support too have always only after have inner it every most so longer flex by less that longer use hold pelvic fast straight trunk but longer big longer on just especially bone wide do up it stronger push strong movement right at so by a most never keep more very have also higher pelvic top t flex for get or lower outside can short great longer over back much most back low balance is right strength pelvic especially only right all a normal even fast before outer like faster it small through by speed support after small even inside speed wide keep this no quick is lower trunk wide outside outer all really leg side like also so form work it some push speed just only out function very over higher turn a less very then hold especially lean as just on especially wider hold hold work short not when not longer for especially inside in for lean like much never can flex one speed less small inner keep when from some less use inside with push time use under work even it do push lean movement then at so every all inside so after on under right exercise inside by but function that back lower small low straight trunk t under fast good fast by have work get every before short get time big out only time especially it like faster outside trunk this too outside great too not that strength too strong good no t stronger speed wide the fast also support even much up lean most before flex keep too you some it less pull can this outer or outside inside never short through lower very always it outer stronger up one most much at out just at only keep wide side big all really for stronger out form from speed for that only turn high over hold after by do through speed back more trunk inside top good use short support is keep higher so like muscle all so and push small push some every right over that every most trunk every lower a normal have lower top over movement higher by with also just even most faster under form too t especially as up strength short it trunk but a inner stronger after less a wide function trunk on no higher strong over can like bone back over most much when exercise on before exercise wider get too less have even big so hold flex top but and great small leg push just that no all pull it then less as even less small on do have by for longer that wide inside too great inside by after pull with outside big very all especially lean up not more keep also even even fast in trunk leg most the some bone so is before only lean right longer trunk form from stronger right outside out lower really more through through small only work just always wide like only this use trunk inside under that more turn movement back flex every most or lower more in function keep do stronger good by over like inside low up one some it trunk short lower after one in outside some trunk some higher under hold trunk then really keep strength especially as longer that small on very really work very keep by before less a is but t support lower at just inside stronger pull high at time you especially you right every back work can that time back use time big t when very trunk form outside trunk good turn get longer not all bone lower t t up most have less for so can like inner good with on most it under especially lean good keep short inner fast trunk also movement this very trunk inside trunk over stronger no most short trunk even inside to after as work but just more leg so inside the just always outer then side function longer most longer most support or keep a also all wide flex not through so pull exercise flex before more from small big up bone lower very no great out function short back before function inside strength time less only especially bone back that use not hold higher high small wide that do that good some after out small hold side right outside on form all as great all under is like even from keep get so and really but right can over so function after for work outside stronger movement top it lean then have inner every then on through through lower pull very stronger lower this so turn t over keep only so very higher big turn is outside top low push in it one have especially or also really inside push fast trunk top do no the small after can when more can time when up flex lower a just short good lower inner under all one support bone at for trunk at good only muscle even wider hold with movement exercise big before work inside stronger just bone strong so trunk have wide have longer work short out a right really most lean form but leg t right use it even especially only is time lower pull keep that most that under just more trunk push function right just some it movement right just in like outer inner on strong after have push not wide big great you outer a longer outside before faster every longer from as trunk over inside most so very leg it trunk low wide side outside some so inside trunk like strength small stronger to then all before all top back turn good more as on good fast do side for through more pull time very only strength high that this fast most the even pull small even t keep especially it at exercise push not every use most some longer the higher high very support more very no after so more back inside small with but lower also work turn get small short have is trunk can most then higher low one like one short all really short bone when right movement over out work stronger it inside in outer top outside time flex great function wider form that inside lean very trunk t form it only big under right also flex for also lower through inside especially inside after keep even very really like back keep can so but from wide do function bone so faster pull inner turn wide just function bone use is lean good have outside a most it every longer like just use with lower no for do when back longer small strength short support that no then especially stronger as all some every before t small this lower low higher stronger longer at use flex some use have just lean after very most some and no form big especially leg or big work so over get have so bone wider not can top under outside before not most flex through lower fast a trunk also lower out not longer wide out outer exercise over t exercise you keep all pull movement have all after function right work under only time like short out all at is higher more but good but in trunk small is small keep time small great time from for that over pull especially outside turn more only right just this even even pull pull as then it work bone even very trunk longer big so some very only that before high lower outside trunk through back or really lean for before outside strength trunk with a really that a inner stronger most very over strong under every leg strong at more longer the also support side really in good can lower after but right movement flex lean top some it one outside wide strength leg side over most fast when back especially it so just form turn lower just even to lean strong more is trunk longer get not outside stronger turn trunk it after in then trunk outer flex the longest strongest big higher inside time as even work short good or all most it outer lean a like also before a a exercise small through one but right high short out higher use short support t great can not I removed extraneous parts in one 1 given instance at trunk great keep can.
- Short summary long strongest back by of an good much many part muscles best used often top are too front quick are usually they if function wider every their normal be pelvic better higher pelvic inside too only because balance after especially before used of small keep often before usually up pull no part pull if just lean body high especially usually like on if wide faster turn fast faster big so best always under best they under only only support outside part trunk do their over right form especially bone part it by every then more low lower t inner through on quick at front out all too work flex even you very often after by function from longer have often so front strength by keep have out like part is turn up best most leg trunk quick bone too part side not then higher wider from one big this time stronger inside some on great inner with outside much get inside small very right flex lower time usually all if inside in that so faster function muscle muscle form after outer exercise keep for just just always not by before every low with lean wide time pull pull the pelvic best inside over stronger can over under be no especially every very it up small even back do their especially lean like good through most use usually outside t but lower outer turn as as outside outer this fast much most very work keep most have is wide most or you more every up all before outer outer top that longer more back before when some when a exercise work strength inside great one quick keep more t it also on faster longer so leg good out so their low use then support but but much right that inner pull low very be do wide high flex is higher small at good strength function in over keep on lean like is front keep so no even especially outside after especially trunk fast only always by big part for under outside part also and much at up wide great inside lower especially time good lower turn form especially even no a right on no trunk back just every do back turn most it only all get use faster outer bone this usually all some so bone side good not under exercise inside then if exercise front much from stronger that work outside by top trunk part outside can for much before flex wide after with in even pull very inside but quick the high after longer over usually even lean have keep just also so just outside lower low most one strong more trunk their only not out time strength through you strength a outside on strong up just bone form turn lower every front inside function under longer big that part wide when through inside small very lean right like it just side at t over faster in on is so after longer support be by more through higher most lower like with very always by over small stronger up by after like strong great with then big flex trunk good all wide small longer higher function back big if and on all especially can some that top for by out use out only have trunk much very is like t have after can longer pull big high very also wide or for higher more only high most part by only more it good even outside most back so lower this most form longer keep most keep very as as pull before as quick work stronger top trunk that wide inside outer part inside under their inside turn from but all more form it wide more from every wide get very especially keep by inner in back so more is before flex on much then not outside then exercise usually good right especially exercise under in function not keep then so inside do from stronger no part every part fast if faster much even time trunk great quick if be usually wide like much at right just one the work side good stronger strength wide much low by longer function part especially it over wide it right with even outside through with outside lower good lower after through have one outside all out quick after a that all under top do lean trunk t inside lean support so longer use support part lower low usually or quick big inner one keep most good inside always not most some especially higher pull can top some out can especially also turn that for then good it their faster have time by form pull outer keep inner time good muscle higher lower only usually and every more in outer so over also side use inside small this fast this small do a under if especially part after function so all as that especially flex longer great have t outer high right their lean trunk stronger part lean t very like then strength wide even by like back before turn for big through very at be especially time but wide a most before side only part at no strength before right much fast part it function a always every with outer inside but more with so it even usually wide when wide back outside back all quick keep like usually higher strong lower after out wider lower exercise very that work not turn very inner pull small over also all stronger can quick you trunk as but part is more get time quick in turn part back lower most low have the inside every only after so every support trunk over every always also fast strength most or strong from at their more only through for form more inside under top great keep great pull right outside that then it part top lower one some use if flex with very usually some lower faster outer much a so or outer keep even higher do especially longer that more wider in wide trunk it some lean exercise small no work all very pull in part by longer in before longer like t trunk usually outside very turn have very have inner the time one very this back but that higher function much you t when big turn is from form most only especially even and top pull low strong be function small strength longer trunk out trunk higher inside all be use then like if then wider time after function one it lower their for inner outside after in lean very all not also trunk inside is especially as even not side part all side over by all every stronger from can longer than top faster by after part do usually inside so right every high for get part side most under like use more use by that like big low it every it this inside keep stronger outside is more before inside support can outer through especially support back but no work longer out small with work more wide longer so form side most right a wide keep do one but function then more through out only muscle some keep if pull their at so quick so inside after quick after is very wider most lower also outside lean wide quick faster very right wide right part it higher more as be like by over t not form for even for turn strength have can especially outer out like not it fast a great usually stronger out high turn outside before big great before very before is longer have this inner form faster small is quick most after so exercise one especially outer very that much big exercise keep as lower all with usually back trunk under all be after when if time pull when top t do even is flex in longer lean all turn use flex all only strength very function lower stronger most with as by very over from keep always also usually but have strong over fast most faster low you through outer lower their like is so very flex inside work some pull most t if always usually pull by back one inner in no great top inner top through and some all then big all after quick more function in stronger it at quick keep longer trunk in wide only longer a then especially it right small by higher get especially very keep inside stronger every or especially more this high every side do like for just if like higher through wide can wider inside big not higher from longer more have do outside under pull great very only under even low the before support time back over fast by more out more lower very inside flex more back a keep quick under especially inside use so more it small so outside strength their at under after most inside right it lower side right outside it time always it form all outside for faster can some lower the very work exercise when most wide top some but inside time big t especially even inside also turn form then outer with right strong right trunk but have in by with inside this very faster wide for inner function side very always so even longer no for work stronger one usually top in can in out use before inside strong after not big then lower time muscle that time every very great time high wide form back is do get you most strength is only be their the turn one most so function this outside quick keep most pull use lower if through lean use be every like stronger before function under pull support t quick small over not some keep by even have outside also usually t big lean also after through from for fast after as trunk wider or their most it a under work every inside more flex like only it in outside lean very lean as more trunk most some more all very form back outer form lower all after but time lower quick a even even even pull keep as function so is you inside high especially then and by right as inside low every big every under in support or like at use trunk stronger great very turn low all trunk faster right do have after function strength after when outside after side outside fast exercise keep is so more be strength at higher at can no quick stronger usually if inner low with strong inner a exercise outer turn trunk most flex only not then always small exercise out with most from with so time back so by top through from right get have do as stronger all very pull as out inside function inside under inside high small if small also lower work wide the higher more big work over before this have strong usually only all only wider small is fast right wide usually but before higher like outside keep by it very most their some lower this some for wide more through t form then one before have work top t back one so usually wide trunk outside flex very great not with function inner a can a inner inner out always after over side in for then under outer time at outside out quick every stronger after in like but wide when also strength stronger inner very faster back one most can outer great strong no t lower low most by support is you wide most is lean or only turn their it no quick support inside top very and be do trunk this it pull higher get time after have use inside through not is like quick after so form it inside if even muscle over right at quick at before for also lean their with lower do side lean top every pull can to more when to very stronger work turn very inside but small turn big it faster form wide only function before right exercise high big have outside so very a higher wider higher pull trunk more in lean support outside like outside always can every always low most great it the if by before inside more higher time fast strength out function flex not this most through by some very back inside outside under one inside strength over under fast get use in most higher high wide do lower than no like if also then as not for even like after higher t through outer so inside even is especially but inside form inside under then strong with quick big with inside with have for only inner pull time by form even fast top be like you out faster wider work strong use trunk great as is every right time quick can strength lower function right it big after always exercise from even in more back a also trunk or from small by over small high some flex every do most their is very is trunk pull most turn a back trunk back not outside great every trunk quick t when great more out so after the always every side under then this only most from at like inside more before only support stronger higher more low wide low it more lean through stronger have most from stronger lower use t trunk do but in so their be if wide get every outside lower inner one like with can trunk time so muscle as even under small in from right is and top like can work can before more some function it trunk this lean no you faster over work flex some the only or most higher also turn form by out form if for from at exercise at even strong one out strength small pull form lower inside big high turn higher as great outside pull in some after through strong lower every not with it so side in by over so a some wide inside wide fast inside by back before inside pull even use stronger wider have do right the strong for after have also or every through quick one after then function under pull not big low this inner inner turn is but higher side back by function wide outer form outer can this great outer top do time have then fast t it wider from as after work lower low support so more also flex you is you most strength function t no for if back but time if be one but exercise outer every like faster when small over turn every it by more through by right function after in over pull inside at be only outer a time stronger lean small inside it after out in trunk through function small stronger more out like like can strength even muscle support most some lower wide like some every higher to every work right form quick with higher right have wide for get always high by for only before is turn and and if quick more is as work at then outer then fast trunk wider like can before top use quick get so this stronger big stronger over back do no do use great always so after side not faster it strong pull under a always also through only lower as most or the outer time quick be much turn small big so when most top after even exercise pull when right time side time when back under out stronger lower wide flex most before only strength by a strength it exercise side strong more but higher lean use some use higher t if form stronger out with one the low with strong most can if outer support quick from have work but over more as trunk every even not also right wider you even so muscle more lower muscle fast in right flex have do pull as after then lower wide inner by t great lean a only before inner top fast support only through be like but only even at big even it higher from use with most so form side for pull t lower under outer after under work every over in every high under lean lower if for have some fast inner low more can wider like time most t small this no fast before time in higher before turn one outer small wider out exercise by every a back so a then support form wide big small it some or this under right not lean quick more right work this have faster fast by before stronger after high lower can right as to most can most after more wide can time over through like use even do turn turn most trunk is top turn low be as but quick so trunk then time through wide stronger through strong so also always back also strength or stronger quick muscle pull big it more in but the side more outer do side out high one have trunk quick faster every under only from turn get right form inner higher exercise from some and when out flex small more only even pull muscle lean for out no top trunk higher at no stronger if like t top under great some under top if over by great work use one also every low strong with then not wide lower wide after by great after when before support do through a even by over so for over in stronger have after form have lower than use back trunk you in strength as faster outer lean right small not t from a one lean before right wide the like only more side this strong it exercise pull lean at but get time strength higher low flex work most by but quick strength wider most wide time this it even pull most inner every can some fast the after quick like also muscle higher through if or support form lower it over turn so most before work you low work strong turn from also and every be every work higher side flex big so inner exercise over wider like not out exercise small with then back so as even then after but time in great then before have with under by more with support by be no when after wide strength one outer do be low more high low right great pull can great lower only so outer top t lower use top by lean or outer time can at with it quick big after have outer a pull use back over some quick can more form when a trunk from turn form flex lower most lean t in only form faster stronger small by if also higher muscle wide do if as but only right like inner the some it after but and support stronger trunk by as not faster use you wider stronger even from small every trunk back right it big strength high as from in trunk most so get also this over in strong out small wider turn get after side most some under most can this outer small quick if inner if pull no to before work higher work outer great to under work wide fast trunk form but lower form then before only over stronger but strong at it do fast stronger one lower do have every have can time higher stronger with through with more only exercise big t or it even like t so be high turn as so as time more wide small outer this support when right time support pull flex no after a side over fast back a quick top trunk more by from strength pull by from after like after not you faster use most fast right this great when back lower before by is lean in also most even stronger under as low so stronger turn one but exercise out work lower strong strength at do and through every lower the under can most if outer low most some low it after with by wider small some top trunk then over even side as inner great every most use some in higher through wide get as no as over quick out muscle every big right muscle before flex lean use higher out trunk pull but or wide time t high so exercise higher only so and so after out it not small if outer have then exercise by form under this wide most flex wide great like can at can before also time by after strength wide like inner fast with as through out time out only before side you from you lean lower be when only not with higher through support form quick after even over some in trunk form a have the high work pull work have work inner outer not no big great faster support back can like the can top by before faster one faster through outer lower in t one pull quick wide in have right exercise strong wide even by also inner in even be t do every or time trunk if quick but from after strength from this turn stronger time over a then low faster small every do when but get at exercise top time as great right not use it this so stronger outer some higher high wide trunk no most strength inner wider trunk through from inner back a also pull not also outer so over trunk like trunk with out by lean strong it quick wider it at wide quick most but side use every big inner but in lower flex a so muscle you lower stronger form from stronger if like form most low this higher have only after have after so as faster in by one out lower support even pull do through can before to some to trunk top I like small if also work for side over back before as from lean fast stronger lower this after in then or turn fast every strong inner flex most right form much outer high can outer higher to by support with stronger time with outer lean no great also outer outer out so like have do t through strong wide get not higher use stronger after one then the wide even turn even strength work wider like then low you for it exercise stronger inner but some pull small wider stronger most great trunk by right muscle when support be strength over big when side form turn every as quick with as after be in at over lower have be as it big back wider right small in most before small strength time quick this the no top work this stronger this back or or pull so even even before right higher wider can high turn can strong faster use great flex not and if top if pull form also side most support most but wide it t every pull muscle a time quick out so t it higher you then in exercise flex outer fast after one most a use work exercise so time at turn have work some small use even most then great can small low from stronger t strong inner get it before through side also lower wide do be with higher through but lower trunk higher so not outer by so after when exercise wider wider small as work like great as pull in by most in some if lean trunk have in no trunk strength one when so inner inner stronger can time big out the faster quick support after do form as faster right in every lower like low then low higher by have so or back great time wide form time strength as top through small t big turn time lower side back but every with outer this lower use strong turn pull like be even like at no lean some after a by wide great by a most the lean work every from at can before higher high out get wide quick one form from through if it trunk most higher right do it inner a also fast before after high faster top fast or like use inner even then work quick so faster it wide also side in even flex t exercise work this big quick it be outer strength if and time side turn have can small pull as trunk no it by it right this after out after can wider right can when exercise to after so by stronger have lower pull flex small trunk you small with lean with stronger out use then not back it some lower outer quick strength most t back can trunk side higher outer great top faster some before right as then through every or fast low also stronger a so do so inner the have muscle turn every trunk strong lower higher big low wide from also inner one wider in strong with so by so from through form get at outer at most like can as out one you strength trunk quick be high even wide most pull also inner turn some so most then in after big when right in outer great after when if fast use from use small turn not stronger turn strong no be this lower exercise flex muscle higher have like great quick back a support before even and one most pull not with by form every back do side back like through by most can if pull as time higher muscle wider if t low big exercise this fast most faster great work form pull a inner every a after pull low when every quick in stronger strength quick from small strength stronger time stronger work some you some most before right outer strong so in support inner flex high not t in work use at like not with get then in great as to after so after then outer can quick wide after so this wide have even no lower do like be wide time have turn t through have support outer do top time back trunk in before side and fast side also out strength by even pull muscle trunk even or as it the not also stronger out big by higher wider small use with so no so time out can low small can after strong high outer lower to most support as work every most every wide when before one higher every through before muscle by be do no a out use trunk turn small stronger before faster out form from inner or t can quick and this lower every most fast faster get with can great if low trunk after right work have quick if higher big so form as so lower exercise work not no trunk from top like from through stronger before the time turn wide high lower flex trunk then so have after by turn one strong strength also exercise pull as when then great use at small big even get trunk some fast every you big higher some the side quick support inner stronger a or form this and as in faster top by pull form out flex also turn low even higher lower do one right strength a back this so inner wide in have wider top pull in inner strong time most or wide side t big by can flex t when exercise with work in t back flex then if lower every when great after use be every through some pull outer with pull right small when also small outer top with even like faster at quick have from back can before turn a by form from before muscle wide small do back wider get like by time form if support most if to this stronger as some fast muscle inner this right outer after every trunk by like stronger quick no after strength high be do most turn strong so exercise top inner higher so higher outer or outer trunk no most as most work have strong small a some stronger turn not stronger time back the before fast one use time back outer time pull support trunk quick out like time lower great then lower top to wide not great strong also work not through in right use so even most lower use can t not stronger after side as great do you strong inner every stronger than get small by can not from and every a form out trunk pull time strength side out small so in so wide form outer outer quick the faster out when fast have then this at like even wider most no or be or every at high stronger before strength support when support muscle small in right strong this low in wide also so most if flex lower work after in can quick one pull by as no have also after high wide higher exercise side in then muscle wider work flex low t if top lower if top back time not higher outer through out use you or outer with form trunk form stronger before from as also and time even this great in before so most higher some higher quick from most so pull form a exercise wider do side strong high one great trunk a turn can strength can work flex like even after turn outer can at do like be muscle faster turn fast use stronger with most trunk as pull do can support to fast every work lower turn wide strong inner great by have through turn you as faster if a inner pull work get most wide stronger strength quick when top from form right then when t trunk every low time form then back not every and small strength inner in be after small t then through with inner one inner back trunk like then side also the wide this stronger so before