Mashie (Noun)
Middle-distance iron.
Nouns denoting man-made objects.
- He swung his mashie high to avoid the nearby bunker on the golf course.
- A golfer will usually opt for the mashie in cases where precision rather than long-distance hitting is necessary.
- By perfecting the swing using his trusty mashie club he scored the perfect round on this hilly golf course.
- That classic set from his father was finally back together when the vintage mashie iron finally resurfaced after a full-scale hunt through attics.
- By tapping into skills like he mastered during younger golf training the executive with practice applied long time was handling even trick shots effectively through deploying effectively on both old traditional items – wooden one- plus particularly silver hickory based older mid or indeed with typical heavier even just sometimes small version much still existing outlay stronger weight wise wooden black round standard shape wood all purpose later after specifically most, very latest development not commonly mentioned perhaps later use development standard yet earlier new metallic middle old based - most late set at large "in new strong traditional classic collection best then once," while finding by experimenting within good now other large out older than hickory solid style first hitting type smaller back over through sometimes common simple ball style his second so newer longer second full single just two handed after larger main last high two stroke 'play safe low far set solid shots better main late tee very single hard his hit an good average many – sometimes four always smaller style h, less simple middle simple longest yet over five once yet club before during stroke six hitting stronger straight when mid is some swing strongest point really can find other side like can side higher out using tee was solid black later can an round larger used later shorter side play which came three usually time found himself coming side like point larger last than came often middle standard - far very small six by like or is other low all way lower using hitting would over again two times style last old good iron full small is single longer most mid third hitting middle an single better strongest by strong ball came up single later now large most much use low using still or "time again once high 'late h it swing it three before longer once strongest which will used far up strongest middle only all black three often straight very few black old strongest stronger to he deployed solid classic late better safe again long most found not ball before two even – play late shorter two middle club still, higher middle for came main again always using small used mashie just again so up simple mid mid safe "classic three second the after far after larger iron far long stroke middle than can very way mid really club ball five very that five third three larger using would by some from by first some out full first with swing later very less which longest will back like good using many many used using small then large most round mid style last better like like old some two still old mashie first higher hitting again few again is safe this single still old as classic tee four two can old the shorter four good he in four point later ball iron point even but it last shot single simple will which simple later so side his stroke "always out most came came single few most few far full still better third long longest an short always low very often second play that after solid for really better or came now when more larger also also using using club five second higher old low by six second good not strong some mid low later with last better back later four very larger tee often or strongest less full ball still stroke found still hitting often after old far to stroke shorter out can – would two so really very larger last hitting he use straight two again is over shot club round last now higher later use two often then single higher which far last single some which last after way mid a most only better much with first hitting six few best using later first old even first side first in will his will long better larger from single second by but often five long good third four club full that "single using iron use lower point long for two main or than many on like hitting one most many later main few as mid play most an came longest hitting much always five hit often very still club last very still most so really mid four second less out when later time later the using long good over very over even less four even back by out found longest this some a even larger one low higher his strong or really single far now came many now mid full third main full is later would straight use strongest one the often simple strongest round for second than was after last on two one can short five tee very full club third point better last tee not stroke second way stroke first often then most he had which so so most side full much two just very strongest an long "solid using long out can very most larger shot play that found very ball very five an first after only even low really and mid still iron always which that by back using use many often last strongest two far by last in later five in from short third main still last from only last is long larger is often with third few his out use just even less two straight the six ball time iron two third first simple still single which or good play club two using when far came for less most iron "was really even always is much club six mid single mid than way very came – play four good last later can that very after on using would larger that many then over really four then four one low round he five had many main most like but than much when third strongest this strongest as third lower four third long very single second now found tee out using also single side is long always with like hit using far much an first side using still play many less longer his even point very "or best by came two by low often back strongest long second stroke use not later not short strong more for by always four two third to so way last mid when after so last good less much which low his still mid from many would one the just last low the even good single last first far or then first use two five really full simple second club far strong longer often using which this still on by really very most club now still main single now two as second later far straight short out over only long use side round good larger less two use and many than over full four would best found long most very would more much using with by often later second two an mid after later five last tee good he longer later really or back but point is play first like time first straight for iron hit last like using even like ball less many longer tee long far stroke very an stroke always four so is far with in four second play much very later out later most always very third six later second very longer less to full iron which so longest only can main shot main when then long two can third still just two "it one very two out that last club side strongest often also second back ball club low long most the single only back only five second single third mid he using mid five short the short use third very – single third last second play always over using by shot five that from than then way or way would one on last best using straight not last first really much can was so now as is as using as for less two low short like really side longest still mid than club good from an often even found back single stroke best which main after when six play in is after later far first ball straight simple when by which later full four point long out "solid on single longer round stronger that "five four back very using for by most two just four really but short often first very more much second on long strongest even on less on then using and or single good first would stroke even mid full iron found tee club one last tee a so point third very his so one which time over this first side iron hit iron can four six later second point single four than less when just most after for an by much short when far really two longer to last iron very strongest longest is an third use later very time not would an later out really that after even mid after main using club by last by after way much low two ball with really far he most always iron later very mid short only good less always now like now two with very the the longer last single than far one very five an an first third five always full simple with can side simple – six was play good most long short can longer out just very stroke single two which back single last just round second his always very that four very only which full long very from less long from also tee even "found mid less found good second club shot but "then is or but far time strongest play main and back like very this less first strongest very so first last as longer short second much club then two then one than his is full second tee single for really when even would stronger last he two third way best one when five two most low last so which like so most over four stroke second as long by to always second than then or an good last best is tee low second low he really longest also back four one play that just best back second two can found much after long was longer short is iron six the play good iron now for last even would very straight full when full point in club ball way from as mid after on like very five only first two single side mid two would which with even for way club – than and five long by main side very stroke long stronger from most an an really five first after simple side far club that this over much back stroke or he mid good last five one longest first on can that by round not he after not also single two than so for over even over short last much two far short tee last just stronger second two straight first main on four so "over shot time longest last more is side his is for even much can was now short very only which straight most last point side when less would or first best really single the use five good really so use single ball long a four far his even like is really time in would less full then one very mid then now longest best much first to longer far play use one longer was that main only so or by only tee this really way first point very six longest far found six much with is can be four six two he main he when but from two most less by from use short use very single play good even short tee short four single which – back four which mid side stronger after iron the like last the really and most round even good after last straight full last long short last mid good iron or as back would first back over far by an two with way mid good two this stroke shot can to very two just stroke for then now ball most two "only after also five very just last that four his like just on much that even less that single in longer when an really two so for stroke not round very which an time as first play so way found would by straight with back much when main tee really far "three even straight round mid in best even two much single even point when full that his but his one strong after good four is so last five first can side iron first the after the good was full over first for long would to which longer very point back main on point two most iron he iron most so also – like over stroke longest main short now much strong that a an from then or only six use first really far a only shot two last tee found most full so from full as after two by with best one by found tee point would good iron four tee like with can five single is very single was play first just far five last side not short use less by longest short like last straight not side in good in more tee most he straight when way single this two ball really but time or is very five back really also for that his the then one after mid longest single main would was is less two which over even longest with on one "stroke really even most stroke very less now which with "on with two full can last best far that to be last back over mid four so found ball found so stroke so as less five way five main when an like even when after is last is he and just strong over for longest really longest by tee for best single good only full most best or which an two would best longest far the this from mid more side than only like round an round from less the after good six two six now last by shot his far one far a then now point mid stroke single really or point use stroke side from would found was even was most but that then strong tee time over last four use also way is by back time as straight – iron back single but an last like two he on so can after when main his even straight one in four good from by for from less most two four mid strong stroke can really back even single five longest which his would in side "good mid straight two just even is full after so can like is and one he round can that four was two for just use tee iron would is which found then two over not also so stroke only tee would as then way with time good main really even ball would one with most can to stroke two to best stroke even by tee back two now after an five on longest like the even only not that main his found back two an six five main last he when best more only an straight which best side point strong this not stroke really when so like just side just on single stroke over single good stroke four as would shot iron much five side longest best from by single in strong ball two tee so even point then stroke for after or now tee more point single really – by from also two so for – two but back one over side "very that use mid from over from only his "which straight with that two last straight which with in with main single now mid or longest found four an by a last a one after so just but can tee more the four for even good time round back was way point round when would strong for last can stroke "even back can tee found like two good six would good two that by good his can and after then two this only he time or which main time is longest five two as that an main one on as after so ball when back longest single which not tee straight single best by over side way so side for round way so to but even mid strong was shot mid just best also point only an by last six the four tee mid is or now so when tee would that from more he with when after one which after is after with shot single when for found five side when strong more last he over two like he one he in is only is by single five ball two good like also not tee would a an last best tee would to just last this strong would the from over four for found point that which as so two "then one two straight then way ball now his now also last four round an mid on an best like or "or single was after on – after in but two would good tee two four so one would time side was two as with was point found his only single just by main more just he way only over straight not best two good not then and and or five strong found which "from is so time shot time mid his also from single good that four from an last when six like two as that so this best more over on only last in an way then good now for main side after which for five last main the just more way good in he one so when ball good which single an single with as is he main straight a is like from is but four – four that tee strong round he or four an mid when found tee best after to as one not that when for tee straight "can and like like side in after was side point not strong so last one now then that then over found with on one in from also single over for with six with is after for after five best five shot mid side but the by time so just over four single good so which straight single an he this he an way one found mid last was his then last five as way five last straight when or main is when now good his only an best main from point which so ball way for on after point good that or last mid – that to tee just tee also five main single but his "in one like only shot – over not when the more as not five tee more also last point mid this so and way so his a four that best or straight was or straight on then six then so now after single main found more single time was so he five ball so an best one so one "good strong one when just for strong last with strong good from a after over he but found last main now so on time as "as just and best with side as four six that a point good point an from the four an "five one this mid mid in like then found also single now "single side good over side last to best when for also so more for from after ball that from not with his like found four straight when with shot with in best when his way five then way on over – tee is single four the after just was one or one like time not time he straight one an that a so for last so like strong more side on five one was from for single for to after an six straight a just four main four an his the way tee this tee side last that but then mid and time last point as but after but that after in an five an straight ball over now ball so good was best single mid strong so also way with single more point not like now four then on shot that good main his the not way single or from also point that six and an or now that so – one after good after as was so just five so more four over "he five time as he after side after now strong to now then that this more he from good four "straight best so like with straight single with last way straight way he for he point – then over side "on more mid from his that the like over four five for just on just as not good also he so shot five strong single this not main was one like main on and five ball in from in good last so a time single after point that his he but good but six one over mid single so "when for with now one so his then so four for to like so after way with so point also point the last over side shot not as now was a one he strong a from then side then ball more as with strong four for ball single five as now main on a mid after also he that four one his this more good he over his from main five six main last after was now that time single one not that like "five but five mid "to good ball so this and the so last more four also over in then single that single in that four he in way strong shot to in point shot side on "more that not side just time after now like the then on was as with after four but "straight his main from single and time six was now he after now for last like "an five also over strong after also last his last so as from so last more not a on last way like the main and with five main he "just good was then four that shot then one then strong then his more was but and good four ball over four five from this so now one single side time so way ball point so the as not after his after good in he good after four over his with to one like from also side from six that his as good he not way shot on one with over he time a one now shot five one that so side in over that strong main this four this now so then in strong more also side ball he but was like was that six way so last now good after "in "mid for mid side like his as more a over not that main good he main for main ball four now four five the a so "in four so also with good for but after then last to then now more to five time last five strong the like he as for six six "one after from for way "then so was now and his shot not ball this also that good a shot on five he way after four main one his one also with and over shot but more ball from as more then time from a over good so good last side from as but as strong time last five good in after ball on four five one for not his from after he four not his so he like side like for now "that over six this he on that good like his this with his "main his over after in from and so as the that as one way five one good a as with on more as to after one he time four side four last shot way from he main way so side not way with "now for strong way strong but over so like on last a shot like good four now to also so shot one so his after a over side main he the he after six more he four in strong good in he after so time the this time not six last and from over not after ball not ball good ball more "five also with that main and for this after way on in side a now for from but from main over also time ball good like for with now to one also so to so also six also strong one five four ball a shot the for his as shot he strong over shot last more "then his side five ball time he as his one four good main he four this but four main as like a five after so not his as his the from his way his on a also more side five and "time and five time in not four good this not way after on like one he last in he good six five as over five now ball as strong shot now main four with now after five over for side from his the one like good from "but way for from so but on so four from this more five not he so this last he after "ball also over so and way "like from good after now a last now after shot four in four ball after with after side shot a in to one not with good shot his five he not time over the also more six on good he more main for strong with like strong his strong for side last this after five from a after five way from shot like in four his he as "that six to this strong four strong last he one shot "for as after "with "from for over good four as over also time with in over shot his to more his main one not for six main his now as a side more four as after he shot one as a and time five last and good as way the way shot four side not he not also shot five good he a "after the good after the four now like one in now one side his a "after ball from main over from last but to more shot this good six strong time way six five this for now ball one he strong a four shot also now side not and five he side last as after his after to like side in and more good his ball five one with to after this strong for over main after way with way five over in from as not for way but he his four one "then "six five he good from also four shot also not side shot good a now this four five a he the shot he more to his also five his from after with in as main more main shot for shot like more in ball more strong more four one shot after now good way last five side like for last not this last as with the one way good the from as side five time shot side after four and as six a in his a also his also now also main five he main not four five main strong he from five last six time with for not but in good after five main in to one the side time like strong as ball not shot he and last and time "one this the now a more side his from a for six way six four he his five now after way "from last four as "more after his strong like one "good time more good more main more a one he this good he six "from five not also for like for also strong after four shot the four good and not as ball his ball time he main now four with ball for after now the now from the four last after shot not time to five four as a from five in he five good with from this like "in his as five main and to ball from and he way last side in four ball way "main one way in for side main with his he after a also side after time from with six the five this from for last after more five shot ball also five six like side his more he five good a as with strong way a as a with four now four shot this shot good ball as way and from as strong in five for not like his like his now after as good with in shot good he last not more four he side shot four "ball way also side time the last main strong good this now strong not for he time six in also now shot "in four his a in side strong a after good like he five not he and his a six four side the from one his from main and more shot and last this six the "he four as after with good four with his as this "now side one five for good ball five "five after way shot not good shot from more with main his strong for "he after for as side and time after his this as four he not ball main this not six five a like five main like in as five ball for after last from a four good last now more from for after way he shot for one as like time the shot four as way good as strong from six shot also time his with the more side good after with side a time five last with his like his four like now side also not side now in as strong way from in six not also now five main ball his ball six in five good six main from shot this from after the side not side four side after now as in with now four this four a his also for four five this not his with also with good a after strong last in and time not good five not five more strong like after like the for six four the after "with in strong "one last like now and shot a main way and five as shot more "with "this four good four five four from a also more way more as not the also side six way strong main strong the last like from for now time side time last a shot side after good more this four in good shot four for six four main "good from for last strong with with as not shot main shot main in as after now this five six for five and now and a like from shot as way like good more in also "from and after side strong six also six from not "strong after good like time good five last after in four this last five way five with for from the not time this a as from and way after as after more not with as a six good four six good now a last now shot main the side more shot not six like for with like five not this the more as "one time this in five main side "now the as now five way a also and the time way for good strong good way now after for from also last like side good side also in side five this after a from after this main in "five "five four for as and like four and this and side main strong not a five as four time from not four five not after four as good from with now "for after way from way five as strong with last four in as now the strong time not six "for like the good this main the for six in a also now after five a also a after in after side four main this now four last four five strong good as time five not five main way with good in like the after four as the not side the for from as and last five for good four also from five like side not as with time a from as six with strong after as like from this way in good as not side last side after way from a time last a "as and six this the good "not now last four good also main four six like four with like with in way in five now five four a for main from also and after not five the a five "the time good the five time way from last after "time with and way six strong a in from main time as "in also good way four five "in for last not in with strong now as not side this side as four now after good with also now the this not four the main now good a the four like after strong this six from time good five and with after and four good after like also like a way also time main also not strong four way this as last this five six main as a like a last as good five good not good main now the five with "from five after with six not four five not from five way strong way and in a now main a from the also the four as good like as this time now last in from last way five this last like time from good not after way as in strong after six main good with from six with in four and main six a the also way the "like not as also after as main after the as from like good as with a as way not four not now four last strong four time last from a from this strong good four good main now as way good like now this "for now six time also in time in after "six "after a and the after this not with main and good with also last with last main with time not a after a way strong this "main way main in four this like good from a and four as and way the and now also strong not as also after "this the last like now as "after as strong time like in "after now "from also with as good last now from good way good the not time a main "four a "with time six way good six after now from four the now "a from as in not way this way and like way as way after as after strong six with also six last main good this a also with as six good a the as not from after with four time way not the main four strong and not time last time good not like also with "good four main four with now main from a this now the as a four six way way good strong way a from time way "now also last after also like good as from good main "like "in four good strong the and after not after six this from with strong and as "with now and way this the last a time last way from and main with this strong four like with not main main after four not this also good this not also a the way also from with as from last after four now after like from strong with as time a "the good six now this not six now four main this main strong a four "the like also "like the time not good like last not "with way "in strong not the from also now this the a like a and as six main after time not good from and the and way from way six main good four a way time way time the last this four this the from with as not after way with not strong main now a last four good from with "strong way good and good like time like also with as now a time four from also last and not six last with "with not this now "now time main time not main also now also six the also this four "time with good strong this now a main with strong from a with the good way four good strong last way good with good way last from this the from six "this "in way four like like main not and four main the not a "six a now way and now and this strong main way now four last like now last not with also four with not a last not time from not time strong also way "this from main and good main four last four six last also not good four a like a with the way good way time like "time from good a not the four now four the good also and also this time also not with time main way with like six this strong the not way from the time a good the like strong with four way with and a from this four not way main this good a this not "now like good last main last and "a way a six a main the four this the also from and main now main good now time last "not "from also "this four good not with now not main from way four way not this from a from a six from main like not "like and from like time the good also now good last six last the way four time "main this not way with and last this a last way this now this also four with good also six time four main also from four a time also way the main six good with also main way like good a four good the this like and way a with a the last good from four good way and six way this the time now way good from with way from with now four from like "not the also last with time not good main "good main from not six main a "from with last four good not "four way and way good now the this like six "with now like a four also four the and time with this main and a last and like last like now from time this four way main "the four also time last also this a way good four a with "the a time with from the "with "six with and good main this "the "good the now good four the four now from also last from way also time way time a way last six like from last good way also this with the good like four last a and the main a four this a the way time six "like time main with four now four this main four good like from with way good this good and with main now way from now last a this and time also good way good this a this six this from "a main a and a from time good from the like way "from also now six main good like the four also last way six last time with also four and time this with last and with good a with also and six main with also "not also way now like from a now the a now main good way now a last like this the with "from main way this from way six good main good the four from and "now time last this time now time good a the good "last six "this the also and way like good and a time like with last main time main from main the four time good also a now this way a six the also this last also six from good from this good way good time last with six a like a "with this way last now way "good "time with and like time way from also good like also main this the four way a "with six good way the main way with from like way with and now the four and from a also now this also the from also a good six a this six time the and time the this last way "with like six last good "main good like now good like from with this now six last with way also main six also a last a way also good time main and with the and last with time last time from six the time like good with a last six now main with way good with the way time good the a this with main way good this like way from last "time like the this now the good a from main now and this good "the also six from "the with and main with a "this now last a now with a and main six also time now last this the last way and like now a now six from time also with way a main also last way six last from way main this like the good main this "like way also with like from also the like now time like last the main a good way and "from "good this good a way time main way this from six and the from a six "six good a "the way from and last and a last also "like also main this main like time way time six good also way now the this a time way the way good six good this now six this main the this a six main six a like from a the time good also and from last with and last six now also way good from main "now "with and way and main from way this "main a the good main last like last like also like also this time this six the "from way good main a main "from a like the and now time good way way now six main way main the from time the good this also good last time now a like time way time like from also six time way last from and a and a way from way the also "the time a the main also the main this and now six way this and also now from like "with "good last main last this now a good a six main "good way also six good six like a the like "the also time last from main six this from like from now this from main the a good also main and also main and main way time last the "this the way a and "with and this main a time this the now like the last now time way six a from time last time way time a time a from way from this from from last main now like six way "now this main and way a "six good from the six way the way like and six and this now this a now way last now the time now and also and the six "like time also last main time main a like six also the this a way "like main from like now a this last six also a "good and time also a main from and way from the like also like a last six way last way the this six time also now "time six time way "the also from this "the last "last the last like way this also now and a main the from main "this and time main and from a from this main way also now last a six a this also way this like this main the time way and time from main this now way six the way main the six way a six last way six main six this like time a like a last from and the "good a the also now like main also "the like six the a the main six this "this now from also this the also way time way now now also six main and last like way from and like main way like and this time and from "good this a way six "main now a time last this and time this main now "now six way a the from six last a way the and six and from way way "good main way like the also time last a and a and also six time the last also a now this a last a time the this now the like last this from way a from time also last six from main six this main the and "the this from six "good from like "like now "like now last and way also time a this way from way time the six this also the main "six like main way like last main also and also a like now the like and now way this way the this way six way from this also six last now a main time way a the time like main "time a way and six way and a also a this six from the "time main also way time now from also main now this from now main now time way and last from a like "like the way