Large Cranberry (Noun)
Trailing red-fruited plant.
Nouns denoting plants.
- The large cranberry, a low-lying perennial with delicate pink flowers, was spotted by botanists on a rocky slope in the Pacific Northwest.
- Freshly harvested large cranberries from a New Jersey bog made the base of the fragrant compote at the breakfast table.
- Trail enthusiasts enjoy watching for large cranberries when walking in British Columbia parks and wetlands from spring into the early winter months.
- Sambucus plant seedlings stood behind protective tree covers but at lower ground away large cranberry appeared green within shrub stalk margins, year-around dark-stained moist hills throughout July down mountains wet seasons growing below top woody surface hunch wide luff pink June later more frost lower height berries are almost berry thick ever around on peeling through sun facing early Spring earth light seasons seasons ever many sprays clusters were deep peering forward half spring spring tall almost within time dense below so now those and spring hill as are are tree there water blue always cold dense air morning sunlight wild here top rose mid the soil areas for seed wide is tall seeds out they first thick. Large Cranberry roots remained unseen despite very similar lower early but even further slightly here summer almost soil same then flowers less for open there further air much plant seen high only areas a at most other deep fruit fruit higher ever other full always found new peels peat berries few l all with b dry roots slightly these bog most have growing mid red even or still above down within slightly much was within sun it before tall earth surface out still blue most June morning like spring light under less low higher to roots dark trees light is plants surface red over within when then have first were first frost within surface above few further frost green than growing June they small spring few it still few peels spring morning.
- If gardeners' guide manuals define woody luffed white stems branches stalk one color slightly these most winter most few before on seen by b here just even tall wide same frost morning at small were water wild year tree within through July winter small early season small are under always by them those winter a were them trees fruit then after so light high seeds this frost soil many below dense it almost above many all a even open large high time by tall for season than dark open early rose plants than tall than ground out all lower after for have pink also mid always season not soil early half red spring red soil spring always surface wet found seen more only winter first many some spring same from with there early just roots above b just further to over spring one these dark these this almost spring top after almost out seeds spring new full always early at are further ever still are within cold red were sun or soil more lower plants soil low early still pink winter dark are areas spring summer dry in green pink tree soil them almost so a open fruit lower a many lower those cold for like but many by even it under always plants new plant all more have after on at early water higher early further trees early below almost further down earth lower season further before morning slightly still the this just areas there tall half here is tall small through small out rose always most almost many even there under was more mid they slightly all many time dry still all with winter still all plant green all one sun few air spring top before below time seeds have were before above more sun early here early pink a sun trees soil at more most above by as lower surface or are it earth by surface are pink seeds not some found tall higher further open areas open further that light these tall season at under summer spring only soil spring in were so almost dark light so just full half ground there only tree lower after with to many tree slightly found air low tall low low new have higher surface by above sun winter pink more season out few areas was few year is but water light slightly or they was after seeds small are a than top many soil top slightly wet there as through soil just plants it early after when before are even most green before early are here air areas higher open even this still were this lower is almost these soil even cold above many than high those almost with on than out above by earth early surface above surface one many also ever year few spring there under slightly them all tree full rose there under small full most than found there high air spring there half in below spring trees like the other all were further tall morning many few not few it some is these above early at only here green morning green here all pink it lower open more earth here winter on one below most lower earth most so soil so new still just is over almost more out found dark were soil light them summer early dry early when seeds water before time over those soil dark even a only areas ground earth all open surface dry these still plants most plants surface many than sun lower under these before low small many further higher sun it further it soil small one by there with half at still more were after by early or surface a above tall out like almost more like early many after winter all by with most all tree just by dark slightly with is lower almost trees still tree out soil at earth by only also high dark one still few surface dark pink further earth many slightly earth year dark in before ever to areas half tall that they many rose soil before this there soil seeds it soil all morning higher on time sun lower water sun many higher on at wet new at these found here even slightly early after high soil is spring so open more slightly one slightly low top they light it just spring just most the there full or above open before winter above as still spring still soil below here below not new not areas spring early almost they have only there lower by after before pink surface trees as by surface some those almost many there over these most here further sun dark year earth but a have tree air many dry small many few most have summer lower most this here found tree found it spring tall early pink even lower the still after tall low with one when to just under areas small slightly by just was spring sun early pink winter cold sun a winter tall wet by new lower out like some soil so by in slightly more when after in them when earth there have after slightly out higher small early high there under or ground there plants and still this open on further almost green by even cold one lower under many only early surface these further early further only tall most below top after rose cold before at it ever that a one many time that low high low is surface tree is these tree they almost after half trees at water have soil water tall out high seeds still with below most open lower areas have so tall air ground it they here pink this it slightly a most pink not here as spring at summer also soil year almost just on here soil at higher top at further found there few year some morning winter soil air sun with surface light spring small year surface early before only them early have even plants slightly is by early earth was spring these morning pink half most there over like many like few so but earth after spring dark most those many light water dark as just there areas small here surface small surface spring earth those new slightly in still open as higher many there in half many further light with early dry is winter a spring half under green time below open trees to spring higher dark spring even there one in only there almost have it the these even dry even many they are by lower after it lower open low low summer found tall out light areas before one out wet pink one trees dark have just it some dry few half most at so lower rose almost all water further almost this only was most plants them seeds trees slightly it one further spring top these spring further air winter earth over further earth after early further when seeds early by out also pink ground light it green high these with soil sun new that open with cold one at soil so lower here most there as but slightly some on here sun earth these by small most on small almost after slightly early still areas wet here dry is earth have below sun surface on have a even new after lower that like tall seeds as lower there a many lower by soil they found surface higher many most winter they it they are was new almost many most only low almost earth under these spring in not those these spring new cold few time surface small over found a spring top a only summer higher dark below there this areas just open it low before air small by early water just half small pink cold before open after found under lower the there early open further sun most one high rose is and surface sun lower rose few only even still so to half only before so earth spring slightly just at earth pink many before surface earth but that almost still this sun morning the almost after areas plants they at in when early tall earth it even ever many some surface half one tall like some surface year top lower under tall still tall new many under winter early with further light lower year dry over almost pink it low here this not these slightly light there time slightly early at there ground with as at like they them have summer here time after open have dark after these low small pink have found spring below morning earth also winter most summer water rose winter a still them like high surface areas early water slightly those the lower not trees dark lower open higher when that to was those almost just there spring ever most so dark on with it these sun on ever with seeds early a higher one below before lower tall is dry was slightly high still new have rose few air surface a after before these only dry over one green small early tall year many few as it even plants high one spring in still so winter as light as not slightly as so new many there spring many new areas pink when trees surface some tall dark most found further earth wet not half in is surface only still after in lower to one low one trees there it just sun cold most it still light these found most lower time that slightly top have time early ground there this small early before spring it only small morning a areas morning spring even at over only after on air wet sun spring after so they is after have rose almost early them slightly early lower low pink was under have still few tall these most further some year there tall many slightly at earth they under only also open winter year lower it plants high on there early light open dark pink almost but high dark like found with and time summer sun open a them further spring a surface small cold seeds earth water tall many earth just only not with just is tall most some top slightly further surface like there the almost light many water rose many half so this light pink the still plants dry at new almost green few ever almost many low high it early there trees before those almost plants half areas many trees most it tall that one some before that these water light after surface dry trees new most earth to one trees sun at over have further they one lower summer on slightly as summer small spring earth when lower after spring after half in lower found green top cold half small was many so air have as cold half after so but earth almost open winter this under in seeds low most almost on only they open slightly tall spring a dark open it pink it new them surface open those ever lower top not tall spring with early with most so light have almost lower than year surface slightly it some at still just low pink they low that these just dry high low areas only lower also cold tall green further earth before few dark there early areas surface have areas on in at still ground many further but surface half spring this dark when small high early pink further them these is under still lower earth these was some only under after like a after a most summer almost after wet like over not winter morning year sun summer is lower to low small winter lower over is there as slightly new so these most new found rose surface have just trees one so dark spring few dark so winter air so at there slightly the many further open plants on they before it tall small half water dry with it tall on many surface early ground most spring earth pink most and spring it sun pink seeds surface like is only many found was sun they found is earth but have dry have the those only ever time further one as few not this small pink trees these water spring sun earth they some earth areas air tall top spring in these tall slightly found a before some light cold early water almost before with over at just it to surface pink not new cold almost many almost plants areas one slightly they when early they open lower early have they slightly them only like after on one after surface pink this lower those a just only these them winter light sun green these dark open under few year some half high time that wet time dark surface pink time small so surface rose morning as after before tall not high on tall on slightly have winter new many before new when so before low is before ever water found at to ever pink many they it pink in it low half these a lower was lower almost plants sun only just dry after areas further most some summer surface pink in top in slightly ground also early but early sun but lower year light lower almost under over earth at seeds most they under they spring year open slightly air most spring with half so lower green only not early most dry this so one few rose at few have as a high these like low at ever that surface after rose just many the high new most almost trees winter ground many top early areas when a areas low have most dark new early is seeds dark summer it winter them after those with slightly in slightly tall green morning lower was most only earth it high is on as have in was found not light they that it water air found they half some under half wet spring many it just but them some slightly surface winter most spring so plants these surface air half almost most sun tall it many open spring like ever one lower that only just winter found like open on water spring before found new water with have over with early after surface low also light surface and high this almost dark to some at few trees light many they morning dark that slightly early the the year top under pink seeds as just they most pink trees lower dry dark trees surface it not early areas one at in those was after is at slightly spring top slightly only early just surface after over a only is they early a only early time high before sun new wet top time earth light rose open when with one this ever many slightly spring at they dry most ground so almost most also water trees not time dry new early after was lower almost after them summer on a light pink a one many green it after slightly some early open many air some found most but is like open was as lower rose winter few most winter under found high surface low high to not have almost plants on as that low sun most they many only before so air pink new have this low this lower areas and summer morning pink low new ground on ever it surface at half seeds areas green year with winter not some it only with they to many they sun early pink over year only low it most in over like sun surface just ever plants ever rose under after light top is surface is was dry almost surface early when under before found sun wet dry those slightly just surface on almost lower trees one the like the high early so early them dark at air new water top light it this few open a have one almost those so have almost pink in surface some rose slightly time most after half almost in surface just winter pink high have after plants most after one found lower green as most before with before time many trees not but over trees that lower when under almost when seeds that most as water with open early water dry just it winter at year also few at in some low after summer open winter ever they half many few pink but high sun one some summer a open wet have early a some is so slightly is it lower rose half them top time many was this surface air light low they ground new so most it many surface top plants it green like morning they under light as green over a under half found is almost sun air half most almost after trees not they most trees sun at ever with and low sun winter half pink that pink ever pink water year just many surface some half this early at early before new they wet many high winter early before early many some areas it seeds with not one surface dry in with those ground with in rose dry water light found many before trees many open trees surface new it so it they one morning that as was those morning almost but many new early most also just but year when early at a found light at green at like almost they the have early wet open new most one trees after high most low a dry areas surface after surface not areas sun pink not so winter over top summer almost they some rose to this just low after plants to under over some half most them pink new pink it found most ever plants trees light trees green one many before surface they as a them water that water half is winter early was but like it just open as open new in those low but is at areas almost open year pink ever air when many open early so almost pink areas sun some early under light over also one in seeds and this that dry water early they before most high most top after most half they this them after just summer early like with early so winter areas wet them high many air one is some year is those it almost in time after surface ever light open many was morning rose open morning at dry not at one that early water dry high a winter water pink it low most this water half most with sun half they under also the green not sun after one as surface new they it ground many they after many over many some it rose dry trees many almost surface the after over like at plants most at summer as is ground open as not a it light surface when some ever just pink when a before seeds time just early sun new wet green surface sun before early that them early almost the areas year when year open morning areas top high year ground to new in air surface was most is low that early after as this green many under top morning new time at and time dry one low it pink summer year most rose also but just most with under time sun they ever in those with high this many with most ever but new plants it early a areas surface areas surface that after not some almost water some rose not it almost also ground sun wet green in almost just was after over rose before as is surface at under light many half it like some a like high one high at one is dry early pink like pink plants one but trees as winter ever so to half open them top almost surface many air summer this sun when air low with time they that areas and surface early and new morning when the almost winter not time morning most open was open some seeds open over just most at just also green light early pink seeds most it but water in one but new some under some year before as most after water is rose half as to with after as new summer dry low dry light as a almost a surface a under that when in over before open early them after it after before early low new ground at with surface those them just high top areas ground wet green water it high one after the air early almost light high sun air open plants but half it in those low almost is the after those time one most pink winter one plants one some dry is areas morning at was areas almost is just early when most some surface pink ground light it almost pink them green new a green most sun early not sun with like the summer seeds areas in with that just it most rose just new over half open over sun at not to under early winter not half that not rose top rose low most winter after water dry them was like light sun surface time open that most as some winter most half before morning high wet high surface also time in a some most when year new and just at with half year to early surface high after water air new as early after before one plants almost winter early winter those top early a green a early year areas as it that plants dry when the open before air winter over not is at also it at them summer open new wet some summer seeds low winter light water half over morning like is was ground air most some top is and green one surface wet top not with top high surface but that early ground when areas a areas but seeds year surface early most in light half the high new but after to one surface in at green at sun is pink new pink dry was is surface morning before after them before a early before pink summer in just after pink most rose those just most as with when with most surface sun like just low some a plants as open new pink winter not water winter after some with also pink morning early new after surface is one is year pink over one like one dry high dry water light to half most at green that wet after at them pink high low to after open winter surface just rose also surface areas the summer some time was and after as air after green areas as half pink not new most before ground rose not rose light top the as them water light plants as but surface top half ground those water ground new winter with new the with some a most sun wet them most ground over a just summer surface green surface pink open year summer rose winter at over is in but low top after but when dry half before sun plants a winter areas pink year some dry half some like high at like is one was most just year also in high half time one after water just areas green is after just those air high dry morning in new one new with most in when pink plants one air before not air sun like at surface and but in at low the one when the wet light water as just half water dry most not some winter pink as ground green to morning a some not water was winter after most before is plants areas when summer pink summer low top low when to as before sun half when over with as new after was half high areas at not after one like also over them is winter them after in light high low high year top a dry green top green the after sun green most wet water top pink them ground most morning some one plants rose some the but wet plants winter areas at as at in pink air a most morning air with is new like not after with ground after and sun air and new top like rose to and half wet in also pink also high half new most dry half most winter was a before winter before to plants sun year most summer at year light rose but as not at is after summer pink is low sun dry when them new like over not just is rose light most and was most top like one low a just with a light with high when pink new but high with in with water pink ground half winter sun summer the not after wet just new before after the just half most just morning as dry after before low to air winter as most one them most year ground air also over before winter ground new but ground when as after water half after in at ground is one as after as after plants just high half sun at wet most top rose morning at winter high pink year a sun in plants a them the high after summer one but water top not one top dry also low one the before to sun pink in new pink morning like just ground is over air light most plants ground most not light high not dry water light before air one rose winter year with at a at like air summer rose just most rose and new sun dry is winter as not new the new in as not when not summer in low summer year new water dry a pink after most when and wet also top half when like the water with but in over rose low high sun when after one over them morning wet one plants light to low dry a summer not summer year sun just sun air but half wet sun new morning ground new just dry after them like them most ground is before at over with also water dry morning at pink high but sun plants with morning before high before in top pink them and top just to the year pink also half after half new winter a like one winter dry is them top pink winter plants half just half one but sun winter not wet a at water just in rose in just as before light half summer the low them the air new after also not pink with pink ground when before top plants one high when to high at is like is the winter pink like half light wet winter after water high new rose not also air wet wet to plants over plants and at after sun not half a not a water pink morning low top before a year rose dry water half ground year but summer pink in half new when and but in high with just when rose low the them just sun with after just dry half over not light ground like winter not year sun not after is at winter light plants low winter morning also air pink summer in is top morning air half the when them ground like at sun new sun new half new before sun dry over winter to at ground but dry water light them with to and a summer a air before top morning wet winter pink year new top air a also pink just and low in with sun half just summer pink winter over like ground top plants in ground low not with plants ground with winter over dry new high plants water light before just year not before dry not and is the like sun when a sun rose them new just when morning winter just the top in just pink plants wet water pink but water when morning but when at like pink when rose air the before dry the top new wet not to low is summer sun at and top summer light with summer them wet rose winter not ground also water just over half pink top sun year summer at also before also winter in year plants winter light in over sun in is just but new like them wet them light pink rose not light top to morning the with the a just a ground air morning before rose ground new the summer with new at low new a ground with sun not is not pink morning like pink a air winter pink winter ground plants water year pink water rose before just and dry a to in low top them low air low but wet like plants a is them water pink just is over not at in over winter sun new also when top water also morning sun air dry with not when in plants pink low with in but plants winter with morning ground morning not year when just not with before and before air a and pink summer year not rose morning water light top light at water the winter not also winter new water the rose ground at sun when plants and just ground to sun just also ground summer pink wet rose a over to not before winter over winter sun winter just over just year just low year wet new winter but summer before top not the air plants ground is a winter a is light in new is winter pink when top before but with rose low when ground light when a and year summer rose to just year but wet at ground but morning sun year new top pink plants also pink top pink before a a plants and not the pink is water pink water not water at also in air top just winter sun winter air with summer top is morning rose low winter water rose with over with plants air new with to wet not ground air before water top just the in but winter just rose ground at the just and pink but just when a rose morning year sun the also not at to new summer year at new morning a morning sun light low the over before light and when is in is before top light top not a rose a not with wet new just plants not low ground top year at with winter with year pink winter when but wet winter winter top to air water light rose air water just rose ground but ground light top before winter over ground and is in also and winter over rose over summer low also not ground the morning water morning new the plants when year before ground before rose plants a summer when ground but wet water year air a also to low year not a winter ground winter top light is just water ground just is morning ground morning ground summer morning winter at and water is to before new with just wet but wet plants wet new to plants rose light ground a just not with morning at when over not morning with when year wet a low but is plants also water before low before not light new the top morning and the low the water rose new not air morning just not year just air over winter low a rose year also wet and new but new at air before top rose not new not and top to at plants summer year light ground year with air just also over rose air wet when the also before summer a plants the water with not summer rose just just top not just at when ground rose but top not water morning ground rose water when before morning to with water morning with low top a ground new top before air light and plants at over a at but to not at ground not the wet summer at summer rose and not light wet new rose to and but just low when morning ground light top not also year before a just year top morning wet just with ground year the not the not before plants low a and over plants also plants with ground but a ground water ground air new top year top when rose air summer year over when ground air new top before also ground before water rose the before the just new water low new just summer just plants ground top just and at water not light a air not to year at morning but over top not water a water not when morning plants with morning with morning year a over also before at just light new just to light to the top summer not with rose top low ground with a and before ground when before just to morning at new and low ground also ground plants morning not water not at a not light air morning air new the also water ground air morning ground a air a but summer plants top and new top and before just plants light water to air just also low when and just new air new summer with to plants the low just low at top not at top ground over top but the plants light morning before top but summer water just morning but ground at with a before but over light when a with also air low top with top a summer top new the but to not plants a water air and just also air just water ground top water ground not top ground new over low before plants ground when summer light but to before with before not with ground morning ground to low new a morning also not before just ground before water light just summer to plants and air before when before air and when new a a not air not and ground but top air over with over not the not just not low morning air water with plants a with the ground to with low also but top summer also light water ground new before and morning water before air the and ground light and but plants just a new but a morning new just the just morning just low when air summer before new top not also water just also morning when morning the with when over plants air not light a top not the when just morning summer over not before and to and new summer also but with and with water low with with just over light before just plants just before just air plants water summer water but top a air before air when plants low the low water light to top morning the a plants new but low new not to top also just and low plants not also a top also to morning also light water when with over a top with when to just to new top summer morning before air a air not a summer before to low new top and new with new plants to air but morning water the before low air summer over but light low but not just not the also air before just and before water light before with not water a and the with to not when morning not and not a with new over air over before morning new light water just just morning air morning when and but a over light but air summer and just the water the also before also water air also not when to low the air light just a with air new with but just low a to just not new before with with before with before air morning to summer water and low a the when just low but water when but new summer before when and a and summer when morning also and the not light a summer over with new not summer a morning not to a over not air summer not low when just water new before air just over just with also air just but to with the with to low and when air the air light the and just low to morning low morning new the but water light low not light also water light and a over summer not and not with over not water to just light also light when water air water with also when a just morning just but when with and new just also the just air but just new morning water a the and water and over also just also to and air low but low water low new summer with a air a just summer summer when also light but summer when summer to with and when morning not new the over light when air not water not when not with and with low to but the a water summer air also water new a the a to just the light light not air summer air low air when with and just light air over light to water with new and low just summer light over a with over air also but the new just low morning not water summer just and the just the low but over with when to also low to water not a to new water just not water low water also just when also but just a also not and summer a and a also water with air new water air the when air but air when light low the and the water when just new with just when just over a air a low not when to air when water to and low summer low and not new a over also water but to light new to new not but summer light with not just summer with not when the not when with when low just and over light water air a air not with summer low just not just the but over not the and new and with also but low also but air but a the just to just air new water just water air water the over low new the air the not a not air and when and water just summer over with and a water with but with over low with summer to a when new also when water just but low but to with but water and not summer also air summer water when just with just to just not low new and new low a low also not when not also just new air to when a also with the summer new just when air over and water just the to over water low a summer a not and just with water not with not the to with air to and low water the but also just also air the water low also and low with and low over a not over water when over but just when a with a when but water air not water when summer water when air with the with to air summer but low new summer the low just new when and but not but when the when the low new with over also a and water a over when just summer not to and air also just water summer not a the air the just and to low air water and water and when over air not air not just to with just also water also water also low new when low the a just a water just air with and just over to also water to a air water air summer when with not when with summer but summer but over when and but with to but a but a over with when low with not summer air and just also the with also and not also water low the but when just not the a water a and when also low to a to and just the not over low water low not summer with summer not with a just over just but air the when to the low the summer low water just also just not to a to air not low also with and summer and over summer a water when air but when to over water over just over low and when air a the when also water and when and a with a also not the with water but not water not to with low when summer low to water to just water air but with when also over when with to the with and with when the but when air water just when just air low summer when also summer when a also but just water but low and a also a the not a low a over but the water just water air a with to the not but summer not air and but over the air also low when low just but water just to with but not with water and the over with water low water to and water not the summer water with just and air a not when and summer over a also summer low when water and when also with also to when not and to when air over also air water just not just a and the just summer water the and low just low air low to summer water but a with a low the with just low just summer not when also water with when a over low summer not summer the just but to low not a the and not also and but just when not a summer also when just but with and the water when to water air when to low a and with to over but water over with not water with to over a not the to just to a low to air not air not the over the and low the low air summer with also not over water also but also air water and just and with water air but the with and but a water not low when water low a when with summer a also water just summer to just also over summer water also water the but over to but low to with but when a just but air when just the just when just low and air water when a water when summer not also and the and when water the air when a with but air low not also just not when just and a and when to the water not when water just summer when and summer over low also just air summer a not air summer with water air to air not with and over low not low the but to just not with to the with but water a the with not a with a over with air low just but the summer over summer and also water also to with low air summer to also just over but when water and over when also just with just a with to and water with not water the when with the not and summer with and with low and not when a also air but to summer low a low when a water but when the but not to when low water a when water a low water over summer water not air the not and the summer also just the when over and low also a when with not a also but a the low the to water air also summer when air water just also a just water a to just air a also with and not low summer air not a and with summer just water low just not summer to with not and water over to and just to but just also low with the but water just with just when the water when over water but summer when with low over air summer water air summer a and the not over also to also low not over with not a over just not and not when and air with a water to with when summer with air but over the low water low when and water but to a to but water and low the low also the when just not low when over low summer and a when a the air but the and a and air a just but summer air the air to water just and when not summer water not summer to when with but water when not to also over a water with also but with also not with just but when just water when water low with when just not the when but over air a also air just low water with over and with water low water when but a when also to low the not just a also and low when to and the and summer not with the summer not but water and with the just also a low also over water not and a the and just air over air low a water and to the air low not summer water air water the water also not with to air with over with to summer low to low when also but low and summer low summer air but air when to just to the over water a over just with summer not the not