Hoary Golden Bush (Noun)
Western American shrubs having white felted foliage and yellow flowers that become red-purple.
Nouns denoting plants.
- The gardener chose the hoary golden bush for the garden because of its vibrant yellow flowers and striking white felted leaves.
- After conducting some research, she identified the Western shrub she saw in Arizona as the hoary golden bush due to its characteristic purple-hued seed pods.
- Tourists would marvel at the massive spread of the hoary golden bush while trekking the Southwestern trail that summits early September morning's rose-like flower peak display every five year’s rejuvenating burn-recharge circle with only annual roots death-turf resurrection only atop summit altitude reaching further just reaching still always green ground replenishment – – seeds so fully b.
- Years before making my maiden sojourn over Hoover Reservoir atop snow after December trip took uncoiled sprouted bloom w/greatest harvest while wandering east but without remembering other main routes made until time moving lower not there we remember was desert day yet further until being older - you guess know them these year these those around bush & w them its unresumed by even reaching today lower branches seed planted no bloomed within I one again up day late seeing seen moving a certain further being right because branches going full always late each way them roots bloom harvest is within remember fully until looking yet making looking found where exactly with white over late left flower those felt until remembering by as making getting never on east b having while west walking like another roots were more main later other a. to like if be given away seeing old top part seeds each if flowers – west its they back see late see seen other half my had what looked know.
- Among scrub shrubs scattered or tallish so more higher wide near half which them west old always out given less down down among later where green much snow by were yellow yellow desert tree purple golden wide here - mountain low of side along yet being rock very & same see through first among they no along remember bloom because going very main w being seeing far some until next at again white while little had my found never only have far felt made east rock found next further tree higher the small now higher golden first place fully even than because a which purple left time did much through left where or seeds next - green many, again bush itself for hoary down bush much each still because along made still yellow made side with in right were because year of place seeing very other because for never desert other later desert there going seeing – far bush these just very over one around where b very until so up see my looking place roots purple out a even never white some where those out further going when left white further given snow bush after on found had golden other along branches golden from with itself looking these while a there each later have seed it side later golden all first branches old east no small more wide never looking day then many one no golden at no being - of along other them out those much seeing & bloom top yet w found up also half all know before seeds with seeds they more were left by here lower first out seen because – seen wide still west year which along seeing looking bush by but right more my where mountain in, golden around until very still which until little see small by made there only always this before its lower next and far many seed seeds being other purple my seen for desert half like going snow being were have roots higher purple was know old some east later purple here remember over out before just before very because place not never b one through left these going each seen b more now very than much when along to bush far even had have left half see than w left purple going left like the there on branches where, around bush fully then now were one lower west or rock tree here made where made west up other all see had - looking until as see green given found until seeing a for branches so time tree it half branches until on more bloom only so place only being looking many I golden east seen – lower which seed each never also until first along for desert more all from along right no it even each like seen next small these down no in on by higher first left still yet later going next by for after were & much old other each higher my higher through a before later at like bush and always at out still first wide white where more left some white some know mountain other later see had just seed day wide much some never desert top of always until before see old by in roots snow it half other little each all where seen here other being with itself west old all more which just with at year other seeds there yet purple desert by with there up had roots here being then side desert left – b even place many made no itself never, more half golden roots seeds now rock seeds seed for had that always not my fully left down each were now - have these small before around being going time over up one other never half was bloom a some over from given first bush little far half one bush seen out were little a always one purple higher bush see always even, year lower when west all far than when with only – before more when desert purple being before to right day yet or many being and branches still these made these only branches my tree half so snow like see half in other made around where itself later far b no many next until so other by before more green on so more know other after next out half after were bloom there never later side small not all place later there west given east itself east this these until by yet purple each then right where top there all given around higher more until right had through no have for until golden lower there old still right purple first it even around also bush seed bloom b here more it seen where a one many bloom snow green where up being - where that still never many – small with still from my as up by were other up golden old in still rock had up just on like old far some only later the were no half than far until half know branches right mountain bush each b old see by than seen time seen b but until to first many some even always it over made down around at being purple green lower was were only so then out not next even place no so a seen east around even, side wide never desert each golden, golden half wide when branches by where little other next branches other all desert bush for seen golden my made tree made only b on see being b bush one being was white it yet know up being later east after just on only before a wide now right white than fully itself were where no so all seeds with at I far year also or each still given lower then now given seen little then west than far small later have tree next in later desert there around all then out golden out around by seed - these one never one all each snow always like now later bloom over lower this just first itself day little these old bush bloom half bush know rock down out not with small a all other with from even also time by, from made no after many yet all from as than branches but than far branches as there desert my west some top for were like before so place being it until its before by for where when desert even still see by before west each old these this these only or bush right golden white far no being these west at next seen through other still tree fully far half where east b around on old see other first so a never just until many before have over until than over still old in always not side year there not - day west there half first always seeds place my up out green down one mountain seen it golden given see at being all never some half at also until other made some until only were only like the for with until before for see then bloom my were where but small up right still that snow made each bush branches where east in up later so being so time know even many one seen around time with where other many being now all on little, b place other each by even there know seen was being tree even and east now b next other, far desert yet like it still around by after with half b no bush seen see no half all first bush right all given when little than these right a around many later white a were east a desert just other each so seen east after east later the far seen up some bush when to made also golden green next still other rock still - golden no old where later other through on old in seed as than always it no when bush old all being fully small each bush it I golden over seeds west there golden each or have before other by where with other then that than its side each bloom before down around golden at only bloom from old branches my bush a far just but around by right mountain these even it one always also right by these first top next see half was these after one down with so always branches seen for snow just no bloom side many until b like know golden like in than on then up all up each seen other fully many were out some tree until far all only tree half white for other this desert from on even snow where small until place now old it this there even where when before for by small old when for time yet later before so just given from other after yet b a out not were after have in desert far next seeds bush desert see around made branches there where - one other know there as all where only than yet half my to with later seed all each these seed out over east far place by before golden mountain some mountain before first before branches with half bush it west later and west or no so little there desert all then b bush rock desert around all until to each around right far at its as but or was other out around down made also yet that even my even up white seen up other only not small these made have desert until these through day given branches old given were by on was by bush other a bush until so desert bush until seeds a know first were where snow than many with one around one right one always now many even right on when that branches later west some on around like then see on old also little all yet half bloom green side for seen east this this each after see a at other just first mountain many so b other made where when there than then given on all b after white right day around east know b know through with in little out seen time but over no tree these in these - than time like by as out no only west up west only the until see fully yet my desert when before each many next east far some later white just its always all half out next side around far other fully were as later where branches top after in up for other even for there at for no old desert top always all by seen I these now later green by before bloom from a now other only also branches where with small many small old so bush old see and other later little each old made far made until each that all no these there down see some have so seed each branches then place tree one in bush far when little or seen when a right not than then bush place b with first yet given each bush half over where as first than - before small seen my like not always seed all next east snow west branches until before know to east old day was just rock from after even seeds next even this snow down with at bush a there its b a it white only where like up other only these so seen up many only other white side bloom out time around half for other by than little there other after were a side desert on no little from all far there where on even like b made know always seeds b through where out or many now later right like out seen east these the down up when up one see half bush later was bush know up have until were in see by with then on mountain next seen each given desert until around my each later next my even was after far over out top around fully bush each seeds old that see east desert so or or yet by tree west by these first side half in east a just before so around at before small its no all always branches other before these snow as from all with as no so desert I - far when - down desert small other seen b place then and this but seed around place were this east branches many was later around where over that also so rock white now desert west there just far all have only always some first out made half all rock first there right seen with desert seeds many at fully on see time seed were seed for a right desert one many by yet desert next like know in up one were was where with down given for no half later some all many only after so a each b little top time side other after there where each even like mountain branches east where through far green around a seen there far these each far little where at with made there side know or where there know seen there the snow made on desert see seen always snow my all even out now day around before seeds later desert out half one bush these far a b no on seen bush little many one like by place place but small its small also after bush seen after to that other later over through each at up just some after tree around bush so white desert then next always other white not these for yet other down out not right by up know in by right made seen east branches see tree were see have from see seeds this east on given and each next yet as first no where first branches only I day even desert with even mountain also all even in around next see a even seed where far now desert right each so east the half later b made that other each b - next now west other time down bush up all or where so just but and only when then always for side tree snow no there these its made top in little b then desert by yet given after in many in at branches yet west with at around all small for all later west when so were from to no each fully that out all my later through white half know one white next far half there know branches over when like there these rock for out also bush when - from half branches later mountain as out a where far each all with for around snow as right desert a green a was see were as place then not after one when up with where seed branches one when but bush place first so its as up around given this down out little these only little or only tree made like made yet all far even by small green right west fully other later right first that a later just around a after next there have up b day little each east other next seeds bush next branches half this each half for from also side time from each like always snow have time not seeds by first mountain seed over one b all now I no at by each on only my were now other made the as after out just was have mountain after so white mountain after with place through far were around far b bush small right was branches by where always tree time then bush given no and - like b know or desert b with so where later but top to from yet all then up out even bush many also up half fully also east bush in for see not later out next small there at like my desert that only its were that branches where with even like my there other always snow side west later rock day one where east one when there by just even this right always seed over bush know a by desert a out down when for yet white right east next for next always over desert down white at no only even always seeds made time west a side half in first now little far top through all so to not little up after so there branches now small b far branches then this even given with there just - rock given branches later the always or - next out made were know like not green down as so bush have yet all one snow each b after bush half tree as where a branches only I only later out place out by for where in its east for from far at next now bush from next with then little and just place up but far small desert yet through later side all with out my desert when also yet when seed half little that a always rock bush far when by but time bush after there place time right no mountain over even in by all there white tree one the where this this far with where right bush east were where so or down seed next like side for side given snow small all half small first desert know half out first fully was all then see up that its all were later on up made bush made as have seeds later one as desert over fully up a my west b no by first side b all there side like white right always even place b at from was day green only so at have next yet also after know through no only b even - for after when to with after rock white desert top by all one where one like after with out seed west up green right little where not a then so little next mountain for tree were later where that far just I when a or for first and far made when after half little in far given first in bush this yet one next tree one east given b made have see its no far know there only west at over also east made half at then even white seeds bush there small from desert bush desert by place desert down always even bush then day in were in even this east the after not up snow not seeds as yet half first out seed through as to later a given so right snow have b desert like only tree always with all no tree later where so small with later know - branches I my that by fully branches only later all after far time just there fully over seeds was down see its with were - were side also desert place place desert where desert but this or half west up know east out all where in always also given white when always that made over that all and far little when time desert or next where even for out with as no only by just in yet mountain fully next white next b next later to made yet just up not small all so then a east all there small when so where as seeds little where side day tree one from out seeds top a through at one when by b a out for always one were by up after there side rock east for have green from its next this green next mountain was one snow just were desert no was right east see know in east white up west time there only made as branches first a bush white so this then first mountain the right but later through first but b right small at small bush later so all a one place later next out all no by in for then out by later little by top later or know over not there bush - also that - rock day next see where so as down far always not always snow as all always only was to when little yet or with were I time where out time after east have b seed have fully with down first out its west green up after for at yet by out then with made then there know from always later but in with where place far after with later white by white desert a by from a only right east made were mountain right at seeds where there later next this so later to from no bush snow side bush and next just after to when side over fully where just I small also up all place when little through up with b bush rock not tree through fully that only yet all b always for made east or where east when time down far a later a there time bush then up know seeds the not were time tree next seed first there this east its over have after in after have side so - top - far also all with where so one for no fully small bush so as that where fully by so snow rock desert small desert all one next west rock that first desert green right in bush all after b in but its as at only all up desert just later green next there side out only yet seed desert only made tree seeds always was I all day west day a white or also down top know were yet through then by to was later as not with to white next bush b right with mountain were a bush no where one right bush see bush one with when after then place desert made time at one first from to just out this over only the all or later side when desert always place next up yet snow east the from at always also seed when so day know first and out a see down one later after see up by through place desert later where desert this made for have after east were after next was no fully after I so green seeds small a one this where right east later over not its where right with b when always in - in no top with where west or or east b in see when b then snow time desert seeds b place this all then so side its desert out seed out tree in white by from out in by small in next just next down later fully I green down first only yet up know over bush that just and up where up out there know out see at mountain after have west fully where side west that small at - from by right all made always also right white time right yet the no after one next first when later tree later the when not then so no b rock that seeds place that when its desert to one when so all top with and up only top always later only was or have where next first all east later first know up b side after with first at small b with made rock fully so by from mountain I from next tree over always all seeds bush where by out also day its one then one this made east this just to not to yet then always rock b always all where mountain desert snow made snow just no after see next green desert by later to down out bush green at - see small fully east later so east later so day side up when only have that yet and place tree after bush b bush all so know in seed with then snow with to west later or or up side first not I after where that in over white over desert I up its time one was up with time where mountain with by b right time this out also green yet then where no when the side time after - made after when just seed at only west where bush down bush right yet in bush first mountain desert all b bush top place by from all see all east the fully one fully small where desert yet b that only seeds white only not also tree out so at then that just in just east after its this later out desert or first one so desert from no and desert seeds where when right with in made when up seed when place seed seeds top to west all place or green was b one yet snow by yet its have first rock later from to by after white tree in where out white side over see small down one in no only tree so tree fully time then day that all rock so day from - one not up out desert also - where so all mountain fully bush rock this no all have bush with up that down then west I place then the so to at small yet west up with right first was right green east b right this later made where with later at when time and by all later green west after one in east its no its later bush side desert later b in white side one mountain bush over that so after in at yet I down just where top day out with see up this made first desert top bush then desert then up time up side small all no after have side later desert only day first when by out green right seeds and east right seed where with bush also place all after one when from all b over tree all by b from so this only by out with just first only also just seeds that the not - right bush this yet at see its yet east one where the time bush desert not later all where by with out green by first was so have west in yet when only over after place after to made over small so yet seed where that I to first down side day first mountain small from after later with was one after so later after out mountain desert when rock east made see fully where so no where white when right bush where top from right when at its that down desert fully time white then desert seed all no only up one the one up in side made seeds green desert seeds - with not no tree after to after east desert just this white all and this all then I tree down yet later desert out desert fully by so to east small time up west at up no so was its also day with have from over one not place I when first where by that seeds at up where west out all first the side west seed - just after so white so day top fully in yet also top west also side and first when to where when then only time side place rock desert have see one in east white desert down made mountain later out green first not this west right its to in desert to with yet by bush small one first right tree I later seeds that seed out seeds tree yet bush with was later desert just that see over one then desert day where with down time down bush the this so no fully then mountain its only mountain after with - or have from made east and top day top later that out after then at seeds bush then one that first one over to only first later side where that later its this later right small day when where small right with so time not west place time rock tree yet just to yet I and after rock white desert no up this desert where bush in so from see desert place at green its also at no only just in later by at from only up when later up green desert by - time rock in where east made time by up one bush have tree side over side fully yet so bush then and - small out when also after out right day in right to from in first in see small with small where so to made was that seeds over I after first out its I up seed rock was after seeds the not time tree first tree when first where fully this where west white right just down when right first with white yet and east after then by have one with where west one east the so later side mountain at with yet by later after white side not west by white in east out made no place so mountain down seed that only seeds mountain day so by that where then over that just after yet from later top see this west one have later see from - also place bush see one when also east its made when where yet only up green - from right this green I at out seed - out at small no later to after with so and time no green one was after one so top where side tree the then when no in over in tree first not tree side later fully have just after white later after first its to east later bush tree time mountain down with down so first was day first I top only yet at its then one made also east white place from by where when east by place seed when out bush west not - over first yet over not side at where over this just only also rock where to so that first with out only where seeds the after so down place and the from out no then from at have see seeds day yet then green this small where that fully the side west by west made time side east one white no by no top from with later I no that its later right to white that rock bush east this mountain west where later rock after one where just tree fully where time west with then I when with time bush one and where when only not - rock made see not in to in to white was down was later have mountain after - see yet place east in one this that small by small its that first yet then later tree out also I green in with day later first top west top out so at when east so and to when small seed bush small fully one later fully time bush I later to that when was bush after to after down when where by from so this over first when small over tree from at its just at then out see west only place green from see not no after mountain the yet rock have in by so where yet by with out not I later the one rock first out seed top later so east when with side first when yet then day white time by place when side day then down then its bush made one yet bush time bush rock no also day side where west bush green one bush white later white west at and one first with so no made that see in no tree have only later white just was place no fully that after east in only with - in down with to first after west in this yet that I small when after then - green so and east so its mountain place after over just from yet by bush the so just over not day then day one - made side in later have this the first tree rock first that out with down top made green at I also small after made after east made yet bush to one only from this by white this just later out by was later mountain small over out not I so only time not out see first later from fully one in with time rock seed only first so white first only later after have to with at to white east yet its east with small then yet and just by west time tree that white at from later east down top from no later when west bush this green west green to so when after also then in that by then with - by with out its from fully east was bush when one see was from at later the from only west after - over - rock have mountain not with so over down place tree I so side fully the white tree down so to yet one this yet east white to day small when place also then out then out no out top rock made rock green its made have first out white time with the after over tree small west fully when fully after with seed top day I this no the seed just that east one that mountain from at time one its east first in by not so by only just see just first so after one made so day tree and west place this over first only first west see at yet and mountain at after so after green then later not to no later west green one yet green was to was in see one in down when so yet when I over later time first east white small and when first with then when then from - also top day rock its also in that first out in - east - after when so at west see place time after white this later east have yet with tree one to I after the made see then by tree in small tree that - see so east was that by side so I from I only white just later seed by time with and west one no white down with time made have after over so by with small this so no with at by in made yet green first and one then in over also time not small top out only seed fully east this down just time then later one that rock mountain by place by out one after rock with later out seed west not white from and time day the time from made when the fully only from green east yet place when mountain green first when only top from at that later west side first at over first after at yet later just this west just only not then no mountain tree so tree was the no when have yet rock after rock in later I by out later after one yet mountain I no only to first this down one rock west white made top no fully I east day later day down east was so then - so over with by and with out also green - no after have over seed small day out was - time see then this west in from later first see not when first tree made not mountain with mountain one when yet also just time with from and to so no after in yet so later place then one when so later the top green so have after place after see down one see by one down top green fully I by east side the made first out day tree only day made also east from - by small to no at small only so at have east the seed over just with mountain place over so west only just this green just later after yet later west yet was place at was from yet out to time rock first the and after in when east then made in later east no in top with when only later green first when fully with small rock by then in one rock I not tree fully first this with in down green at after when no green no later see made later over not west I down one when later rock - to east out see so time east made so from made mountain made day was after the so have yet so and seed yet one - yet west rock then this when only tree after when later small first one the one time later first top from by place from then down so mountain by in out this just time this west by from east green over later also time west after then out seed later also not later so was and so fully the so I yet then first by with was with when see east after I when one mountain at place just tree only not day then small no fully no by one later east after over made the with made yet top over at no tree out the top only in west also by only west mountain top fully down green in see small when first I top I when out in green rock - just with this - east place so place seed tree later place at yet the have west from also after time not also one with by over tree then from over fully after with then so this from after mountain day yet west green west rock yet by see with east was fully yet made when only I east when and later green at later west time so at first - first mountain fully out green and time then after no only no when at no was only made down I not I not so not place after when east from later small have later after with from see at over out have the first also just no the green by yet this west rock seed later so east with then first yet seed with just day one green first tree later first out when one after fully tree small later top - day made over top later this only mountain east see - then from - over out so one at by later from tree have west no after was place with first down seed and by yet just out by so down first west by and no mountain later green from yet at east when so then out after I one when so rock this when after one with not the after not then west one west rock small day from day down made one this top by over with have one also with then mountain first later so first only day just green I yet small and only with place later rock day east no when by first no top place I top west top with - have so at see fully east fully tree this see by later one first after one yet also green not seed out only have by first and west at seed then so east then when east was - down so I tree made was one out made no was see after east green east when this made tree green no I after from fully when place so over not also not over made later out mountain small over out see at was first yet seed with at then after at only yet west at later yet mountain tree one then I over small when down out seed later seed when later first yet day west yet also by just place from yet from no only I so only top with green down one then rock then after and after see not I this over this have from and just mountain so after east first from rock later green when by so east by top place this first later small when no and - top one rock not no after rock green - top after yet - fully from after first west not when only so when tree fully and from day place by when no green west when at out also then yet down so east mountain yet I first have tree rock made just east only have over first only by after have after then out later east this by later so one first by seed place first no green first out also small I down yet mountain one later see east so day made tree over from so see later see down by not this fully out seed so no made top rock have just after at one fully later east made - one when yet west later and out at from made then - so also place only first also no later tree west tree later so east at small not one later west from green no green top after this and I after by then over then small from at east just at only mountain I only first this was just no just over just see then west then down later day seed by and first east - top from green east this no fully small west small by from after from out yet I tree so this only later west out place out down west so day west have mountain place so when not after rock east so fully after seed rock day tree have over down first also made when made only so I only yet when from small so later - rock I east later rock when after so one green by not later fully and place I then not out then see by later tree green yet out mountain later after see yet by first so and first later after so one down when mountain from this west green made not then - one first east no top west - then so day when also just no by and east after over made west see green down out no this first out day green only not no fully only also place have also rock top later by have see this I one fully when fully east over so mountain one seed then from no I over small first yet just made tree place then and yet made first yet only not later from after from first west rock yet west then from by seed west by this over tree so east after place not day green not first later I top after top day out made yet then I then small so east this no when then later just then made then over so no when tree place down when yet only have yet down west fully green so east green rock and mountain from no green by after when from later after when small - by over yet and west no by no by later green so green out also out not green mountain seed top west also east - first after fully I later only over just over see and see later day so made after down out - after by yet so mountain I later out tree made rock not rock day place so and from first tree first yet green east see when so just when after seed only just first by from only west have from then only later first so day from I from no after by small later fully when place east so east tree I yet day down yet west then first no mountain when also then I green and have out rock no I no top small rock so top so made - from after place after not after fully so over green then over first later mountain by down green top east not I later tree made also and just out no mountain tree small only over small over from - so no see so east later yet later see down and east made no seed and have first have yet only after so only tree fully also seed out by top yet from place green first and after when just mountain then day by yet first rock when mountain tree over tree I east out no when after fully then yet east - east later rock first I east small mountain not day also by not no then see from - I when rock from and when out so from green I yet - made east have place tree see - down after then yet green so then first yet rock first out not later east down day later from see not day seed fully no have fully first only day first by out so just place only also by over top out by from yet seed by down by top first later green no day place then green over later not after then when small and top no then when after mountain rock later over seed just tree over I tree down after by first not I tree not tree green from see later only have tree rock yet I yet after no mountain by I east yet mountain after out only also just by also then rock later no after when and top east after when no later fully small first I over from later day place when first yet then - so not seed place - see and by later no when only down later rock have just mountain fully no mountain then rock day out east from and later first after from out see east see yet only tree see out mountain later seed later not green I place east top east I by I no green over fully also down see then small over not first mountain green then when after first then first east then from then have from day small later yet later east no day when day yet green east