Boys-and-girls (Noun)
Eurafrican annual naturalized in America as a weed; formerly dried for use as a purgative, diuretic or antisyphilitic.
Nouns denoting plants.
- In the past, dried sarsaparilla and boys-and-girls were both used as herbal remedies for numerous ailments.
- The plant known as boys-and-girls or Bidens was often confused with safer herbs due to its varied medicinal applications.
- Native to the Eurafrican region, boys-and-girls slowly naturalized in America and was employed as a questionable treatment for syphilis.
- Physicians during the time would occasionally use dried leaves and flowers of boys-and-girls for its supposed antisyphilitic properties.
- Boys-and-girls was naturalized in America as a wildflower of tropical origin and its dried parts were said to have diuretic and purgative properties.