Slenderly (Adverb)
Meaning 1
To a meager degree or in a meager manner; "these voices are meagerly represented at the conference"; "the area is slenderly endowed with natural resources".
- The village is slenderly connected to the rest of the world by a single dirt road.
- The charity was slenderly funded and relied heavily on donations to continue its work.
- The team's roster was slenderly populated with experienced players, making their chances of winning slim.
- The company's profits were slenderly higher than the previous year, but still below expectations.
- The museum's collection of ancient artifacts was slenderly represented, with only a few pieces on display.
Related Words
Meaning 2
In a slim or slender manner; "a slenderly built woman"; "slightly built".
- The model stood slenderly in her high heels, posing for the camera.
- She was slenderly built and had to work hard to maintain her physique.
- The dancer moved slenderly across the stage, her movements fluid and effortless.
- The slenderly crafted chair was a testament to the designer's skill and attention to detail.
- The athlete was slenderly built but had a fierce determination in her eyes.