Often (Adverb)
Meaning 1
Many times at short intervals; "we often met over a cup of coffee".
- I often find myself humming the tune when I'm walking alone.
- She often talks to her friends about her childhood memories.
- They often played soccer together on weekends.
- We often went on hikes in the nearby mountains during our vacation.
- He often helps his sister with her math homework.
Meaning 2
In many cases or instances.
- She often stays up late to finish her work on time.
- He often travels to different countries for business meetings.
- They often go to the movies on weekends.
- She often finds it difficult to wake up early in the morning.
- They often have barbecues in their backyard during summer.
Meaning 3
Frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much".
- I often have trouble falling asleep at night.
- She doesn't cook much, but often orders takeout instead.
- They don't watch TV much, but often play video games together.
- I often go to the movies alone on weekends.
- He doesn't exercise much, but often takes long walks around the neighborhood.