Good (Adverb)
Meaning 1
(often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish"; "a well-planned party"; "the baby can walk pretty good".
- She sings good and is a pleasure to listen to.
- He fixed the broken toy good as new.
- The flowers are growing good this time of year.
- The new policy has been implemented good and the results are showing.
- The company has treated me good since I started working here.
Meaning 2
Completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly'); "he was soundly defeated"; "we beat him good".
- The team played good and won the championship.
- She sings good, but not great.
- He was good and tired after the long hike.
- The kids were good and quiet during the movie.
- The new policy will good and truly help the community.