Chronically (Adverb)
Meaning 1
In a slowly developing and long lasting manner; "chronically ill persons".
- The nurse had years of experience working with chronically ill patients who required regular medical care.
- Her family had been chronically struggling to pay their bills on time, often relying on assistance programs.
- The company was chronically understaffed, leading to workflow and productivity challenges.
- The city had been dealing with chronically congested roads and highways for decades, with little relief.
- The teacher worked with students from low-income families who were chronically malnourished and lacked proper resources.
Related Words
Meaning 2
In a habitual and longstanding manner; "smoking chronically".
- She had been eating unhealthy foods chronically and saw significant weight gain over time.
- His office job involved sitting chronically for long periods of time which put a strain on his lower back.
- The chronically delayed public transport system caused daily disruption to thousands of commuters.
- A habit of procrastination led to her chronically missing deadlines and strained her relationships with coworkers.
- He found himself thinking about the incident chronically, unable to shake off the image from his mind.