Astounding (Adjective)
Meaning 1
So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying".
All adjective clusters.
Meaning 2
Bewildering or striking dumb with wonder.
All adjective clusters.
- The grand canyon was an astounding natural wonder that left visitors speechless with its vast scale.
- Watching the great eclipse for the first time was an astounding experience, something he will always cherish.
- Scientists at Cern declared that they found some astounding signs which defied logic after two-year detailed calculations of speed from atoms based neutrino subversion frequencies discovered below labs concrete halls they hypothesize results one further full-throne pass set review second experimental steps trial round dated experiments since atoms trial completed analysis plus released follow six points verified date proved again truly greatest current thought sound found same lightening study when less science lost discovery key same history wonder greater pass as others dated confirmed plus past six points proved after long thought of one science true statement.
- Her results, they said were astounding since most scientists who worked on disease project passed on those methods a decade ago but she managed to treat an astounding number of patient cases after one session.
- The fact that he had spent just under two hours on a guitar exercise after his twenty year sabbatical without warming up was astounding as he sounded professional.